Our Next Meeting is Scheduled for Wednesday August 14 at 7:00 pm. We are planning two sessions on antenna building. This will occur in August and September, just in time for the SET in early November. (You will have a month and a half to construct your new and better antenna!)
The first session will be a presentation from Jay, K1EHZ on portable VHF/UHF and HF antennas. Jay will bring some examples of those type of antennas.
See you at the meeting!
Our in person meetings are at Darmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Nashua, NH. The building is located at 2300 Southwood Drive, right off of exit 8 of the Everett Turnpike
NBEMS Training Plan
Links to our recent four session NBEMS training are below.
For the last session please review the PDF at the following link:
Before using Fldigi for the first time, please download the latest software files for your computer from this web page
Also download Virtual Audio Cable driver from this web page
If you are new to this group or don’t have the Zoom information, please contact Jack, NF1L at nf1l@arrl.net for the link.