Hillsborough County ARES
Hillsborough County ARES

NCS Script

HC-ARES VHF Net Control Script

by N4COY, - February 5, 2013 - V2.6

Updated by NF1L - August 4, 2023 - V3.6


Why do we have a Net Script?

Because we need to train communicators in the basics of net operation.  Our script is a basic script intended to be used by new Net Control Operators as well as experienced.

If all Net Control Operators use the same script then new members will become familiar with normal net operations.  When a new Net Control Operator sees the script they are already familiar with its layout and usage.  Over time we want all members to be a qualified Net Control Operator.

We realize that during an exercise, a Simulated Emergency Test, a Public Service Event, and a real Emergency Operations then the nets are managed differently.  But our training script is intended to make our members comfortable with basic net operations.


VHF Net Protocol
VHF Net Control Roster

Review HC-ARES VHF Net Protocol for additional information.


Prior to start of net, NCS checks for other stations requiring use of repeater/frequency. NCS checks if the alternate NCS is on frequency. If the ANCS is not, ask for a volunteer.


This is [FCC call sign], Net Control for the weekly Hillsborough County ARES Training Net. [FCC call sign] is the Alternate Net Control. If there is no ANCS, ask for a volunteer. All interested radio Amateurs are invited to participate.


This is a directed net. Any station with traffic or comments will contact net control prior to contacting another station.


When checking in, state "this is" immediately followed by your tactical call. For this net, unless otherwise assigned, your tactical call is your FCC Call sign using standard ITU phonetics. State "Digital" if you have FLDIGI capability and "Traffic" only if you have a real or training message to pass. If you are checking in on an N1IMO repeater include repeater node that you are using. (i.e. Derry, Brookline, Main, Pack Monadnock, or other)


Mobile stations, check in now.


Wait about five seconds after last check-in heard to avoid missing a station and then acknowledge mobile stations.


This is net control, roger the following...


All other stations, check in now.


Wait about five seconds after last check-in heard to avoid missing a station. NCS then acknowledges each station that checked in by its tactical call and if it is digital or has traffic.


This is net control, roger the following...


Ask ANCS [FCC Call Sign] Are there any check-ins that were not recognized? If so, check in now.


Do not continually ask for check-ins, after last acknowledgement, state:


This is net control, [FCC call sign].


If a station has traffic, NCS asks that station to list it - precedence, destination, and mode (digital, voice). NCS takes appropriate action for passing the traffic


This is [FCC call sign], Net Control. Are there any ARES related announcements, comments, or training for the net? Call signs please.


NCS calls on stations for announcements, comments, or training.


Net Control picks one of the following as appropriate:
•This net meets next Monday on the N1IMO repeater system. NCS is [FCC call sign]

•This net meets next Monday on the CH 58 repeater. NCS is [FCC call sign]

This net meets next Monday on the GSARA N1QC repeater.  NCS is [FCC call sign.

•This net meets next Monday on Hillsborough Simplex Frequency. NCS is [FCC call sign]

This is Net Control closing this session of the Hillsborough County ARES Training Net.


As appropriate...

Thanks to Bernie, N1IMO, or the Granite State Amateur Radio Association (GSARA), for the use of their repeater. The repeater is now returned to normal Amateur use.

[FCC call sign].



DATE                               NET CONTROL            ALTERNATE NET CONTROL


January 6                        WA1EYF, N1QC (CH 46)                   KB1SWW

January 13                      KB1SWW, N1IMO                              K9AEN

January 20                      K9AEN, CH 58                                    KC1GKJ

January 27                      KC1GKJ, N1IMO                                 NA1T

February 3                      NA1T, N1QC (CH 46)                          K1RAN

February 10                    K1RAN, N1IMO                                   W1YTT

February 17                    No net, Presidents Day!              

February 24                    W1YTT, CH 58                                     KC1OSX

March 3                           KC1OSX, N1QC (CH 46)                    WA1EYF

March 10                         WA1EYF, CH 58                                  KB1SWW

March 17                         KB1SWW, N1IMO                               WA1EYF 

March 24                         WA1EYF, N1IMO                                 AC1BG

March 31                         AC1BG                                                 NA1T


Remember NCS's need to make a net report to WA1EYF@arrl.net

If you are scheduled as next weeks NCS you are the ANCS this week

updated 1/6/2024

Steve Davidson


EC Hillsborough County ARES



Weekly Analog Nets

Check NCS page for Schedule

at Mon at 7 PM

Weekly Digital Nets

Check Digital page for Schedule usually five minutes after Analog Net closes

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